- your source hardware analysis and news - Hardware news e recensioni di alto livello sin dal 1997.
Costantemente aggiornato e con un forum molto attivo è uno dei siti di "riferimento" per tutto l'HW.
Tom's Hardware Guide
- The Internet's premier source for PC Hardware information. La bibbia dell'hardware fin dagli albori di Internet.
HOT Hardware
- Only the Hottest PC Hardware tested and burned in.
Vasto archivio di recensioni sull'hardware dal 1999. Sito molto attivo.
- Your One-Stop IT Hub.
Recensioni sull'hardware PC e accessori.
- a community of people dedicated to optimizing PC system performance.
- PlanetHardware. Gaming's Homepage, and the doorway to the GameSpy Network.
Nuovo accasamento per il glorioso Planet Hardware, l'HW del PC con particolare attenzione per il Gamer.
Ace's Hardware
- Technical Information for the Masters and the Novices.
Il sito tratta la Tecnologia dell'hardware del PC con articoli tecnici molto dettagliati.
- is a clearinghouse of information on pushing your system's performance to the absolute limit. Sito per Overclockers.
- HardwareCentral is the #1 Hardware Information Resource on the 'Net.
Featuring over 600 pages of Hardware information, including advice on System Optimization, Troubleshooting information, Feature articles, and Reviews General.
- PC Mechanic is the home for PC do-it-yourself'ers. Tutorials, reviews, and a large tech forum to answer your questions.
Hardware Book
- Hardware Book. Internet's largest free collection of connector pinouts and cable descriptions.
Tweak Town
- :: computer hardware, system and software tweaking done right down under!
Virtual Zone
- Providing the latest PC news and technical reviews for IT professionals and hardware ethusiasts. Analysis of the future technology and specialise in Overclocking.
Ars Tecnica
- Ars Technica. Power users and the tools they love, without computing religion.
Sharky Extreme - Reporting on the latest hardware and software tecnology for the PC entusiast.
AMDZone - The real #1 Source for Hammer, Athlon, Duron, K6, news, reviews and information
The Inquirer - News, reviews, facts and friction. Resistance is futile when electrons are excited