Symantec Security Check
- Symantec Security Check tests your exposure to a wide range of online threats. It's free and efficient, and it helps you determine your Internet security needs.
Symantec offre la possibilità di fare un controllo online sulla sicurezza del PC, dalle vulnerabilità alla scansione antivirus. Da provare.
Gibson Research Corporation -
Famoso, quanto controverso, sito sulla sicurezza. Offre la possibilità di svariati test e moltissime "patches" per turare le falle dei sistemi operativi Microsoft.
Security Config
- SecurityConfig is your source for free anti virus downloads and data protection software. Keep your network secure with Download the most secure free anti virus protection and network security software. Ricco di risorse, particolarmente specializzato nel trattare software relativo ad ogni aspetto sulla sicurezza del PC.
PC Flank
- The goal of PC Flank is to make your interactions on the Internet safe and private. We provide a lot of free services for protecting your system and network such as on-line test of your system for vulnerabilities to Internet threats, expert advice and consulting and much more.
Internet Security Protection Software
- Internet Security Protection Software offers PC Security advice on premier virus scans that block spam and give you hacker protection while on the Internet. Oltre alla solita carrellata di AV e Firewall, il sito ha delle informazioni relative al Parental Control, Chat Blocking e altro.
Security OReilly
- O'Reilly is a leader in technical and computer book documentation for computer security and crime. The center features computer security books, articles, resources, and news.
McAfee Free Scan OnLine
- McAfee Security offers virus protection, internet security software, personal computer updates, hacker protection and anti-virus downloads.
Microsoft Security
- Learn how Microsoft is working to help keep you protected, from the desktop to network-level systems, with links to security resources for IT professionals, developers, and home users.
Virus Bulletin - Indipendent anti-virus advice.
Alerta-Antivirus - Ottimo sito spagnolo che segnala con tempestività i più recenti virus in circolazioni e la loro propagazione.